Friday, March 21, 2008

New York City 2008! Continued

New York- took wrong bus, but go a personal tour of the Bronx! - Funny Driver! To the Subway- back and forth up and down town till asked a nice lady to get to 23rd street - thank you! Flat Iron Building park I knew i was in the right area but not the address finally - thankful for signature on Randy's Emails- w/full address! Caffe with stranger - evan which ended up feeling like a date but later found out that he was married. Walked around union square and went to the sex museum- totally hillarious gift shop. Jet laged-slept on couch in office randy called walked through stores more - deisel- feels like a club- awesome DJ! and then at the W hotel I saw Wanda Sparks getting into her car! I would have taken a picture but I would have felt like a poparazzi!

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